About Bystriny

Bystriny is a civic association and supportive networking platform dedicated to promoting worthwhile projects, non-profit organizations, and active community members in Slovakia. Our mission is to connect these entities and provide them with essential tools for effective work through workshops, training, professional volunteering, tailored mentoring, and systemic PR for civic activism. Additionally, Bystriny bridges the gap between the civic sector and the business and government sectors.


Our Mission

We aim to rebuild trust in democracy by strengthening networks and fostering connections among citizens, empowering them to defend public interest causes, experience solidarity, and achieve success. We aim to transform feelings of frustration and mistrust into positive experiences where democratic institutions uphold and protect people's rights. Through this process, we hope to expand the community of empowered, active citizens who are aware of their rights and can help bridge the social divide exacerbated by globalization and technological advances.

Key Projects and Activities

Biela vrana Award and Magazine Bystriny

Biela vrana

Through the prestigious Biela vrana (White Crow) Award for acts of civic courage in the name of public interest, which has recognized individuals for their significant contributions to society in Slovakia since 2008, and Bystriny magazine, we inspire society to value civic contributions. Zuzana Wienk, the director of Bystriny, has led the organization of this award since its inception.

Networking Platform


Bystriny provides both online and offline platforms for 63 civic initiatives, facilitating useful connections and cooperation. The main benefits of our platform include:

Our Goals

Bystriny is a nationally recognized and respected platform, with an extensive network of leaders, media partnerships, and significant recognition. We are committed to connecting different civil society actors, securing key national speakers and guests at regional events, and raising the profile of local NGOs by providing a platform for them to shine. Our international collaborations, particularly through European and global open government networks, underline our commitment to transparency, good governance, and empowering citizens.

Join us in our mission to build a stronger, more connected, and more effective civil society in Slovakia.

Our Supporters and Partners

Bystriny's success would not be possible without the generous support of our partners and supporters. Key partners include the Representation of the European Commission in Slovakia, VAIA (Slovak research and innovation Authority), Foundation of Slovenská sporiteľňa, Foundation of Orange, Academy of Social Economy, Open Society Foundation Slovakia, Porticus Vienna, Férová nadácia O2, Slovak National Theatre, Philanthropic Fund of Telekom, Accenture, Vacuum Group and ESET, who provide crucial financial and strategic assistance. Other significant contributors are law firms Čechová & Partners and Hillbridges. These partnerships enable Bystriny to extend its reach and impact, supporting numerous local projects and fostering community development across Slovakia. We are deeply grateful for their ongoing commitment and support, which help us drive our mission forward.

Our other frequent partners in our activities include a network of centers of independent culture, municipalities and local or regional business leaders, different national media outlets such as Aktuality of Dennik N. Prior to parliamentary elections of 2023 our strategic partners included Slovak National Radio and TV, Presidential Office of Slovak Republic, Government Plenipotentiary for development of civil society.


Zuzana Wienk

Zuzana Wienk is the director of Bystriny and a prominent figure in Slovak civil society. With a strong background in transparency and anti-corruption initiatives, Zuzana brings strategic vision and dedication to the organization, ensuring that Bystriny effectively empowers local communities and fosters sustainable development across Slovakia leaning on also on her extensive international expertise, e.g. as a long-term member of Global Steering Committee of Open Government Partnership.

Bystriny Board

The Bystriny board comprises of distinguished professionals who bring a wealth of expertise to the organization.

Martin Milan Šimečka is a renowned Slovak writer and journalist with a rich history in editing major publications like Domino-fórum, SME, and Respekt.

Lucia Pašková, founder and partner of Curaprox Slovakia, former CEO and award winning manager she bridges the business, academic, and non-profit sectors to foster sustainable environments and cooperations.

Martin Bajaník is an award winning graphic designer and founder of the studio Pekne & Dobre, known for creating notable visual identities of Slovak brands such as Foxford and Yeme.

Gábor Bindics, a distinguished cultural manager, has worked both internationally and domestically on urban and communal development and currently leads the project of revitalizing the Stará tržnica in Bratislava. He also serves in an advisory capacity for a number of initiatives including the city of Bratislava.

Adrian Vyčítal is an entrepreneur with over 15 years of experience in renewable energy and infrastructure projects across Central and Eastern Europe, contributing his strategic expertise from his partnership role in IPM investment Group. Adrian co-founded Slovak Global Network, which connects and mobilizes global experts and diaspora to support transformation of Slovakia for better quality life for all its citizens.


Mobile: +421 944 137 205
Email: info@bystriny.sk